Redeeming Life in the Suburbs

I thought this post by Chris Smith was interesting. He lists ten ways to live more intentionally in the suburbs as a way to develop more meaningful biblical community. Essentially it boils down to this: live near the people you go to church with, share everything, spend more time outside, and support local establishments even when it is inconvenient. What do you think about the list?
Seriously, thanks for the list....but I can't wait to see you biking down Hunter Road, neighbor. :)
Chris and I are trying to decide if we want to start our marriage off with or without a TV...I think it all boils down to Sportscenter? These are wonderful suggestions; I guess I should live all the way in North Chattanooga either... or maybe our whole church should move to the North Shore :)
I've wondered from time-to-time if we should live in E Brainerd. The kicker - for our church - is that there is not an area where the majority of our members live. We are all spread out.
Cool list, but I think I appreciate Piper's personal approach more- move into the inner city where the church people are not living & make a difference. But, then, maybe Bethlehem is geographically closer to the inner city than most churches? Maybe it's b/c I've always been related/married to someone on a church staff, but for me personally, I'm not certain I need to be surrounding myself with MORE church people. I'm around them constantly. It's the lost that I fail to reach out to.
I too think the approach of moving to the inner city for the sake of the gospel is a great strategy. on the other hand, there are those who are called to live and minister in the suburbs and with that in mind i think this list is a decent place to start a conversation of things we can do to form biblical community. i'm still scratching my head on a few of the ideas on the list, but it's definately got me thinking.
i too, have struggled with whether i should surround myself with more church people, having spent the last 6 years of my life going through a Christian university and now working at a ministry. i've come to the conclusion that Scripture demands it (surrounding myself with more believers). Christ did say that the world would know that we are His disciples by our love for one another. Not only that, he commands us to love one another. (John 13:34-35).
I believe that if we live in biblical community (and maybe use this list as a start to brainstorming ways to continue to move in that direction)then, we will reach the lost.
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