Thursday, September 06, 2007


Lord willing, I'll be leaving for vacation in the next two days. This means I probably won't be able to post. If you think of me and my family, please pray for the following:

* Safe passage to Ft. Walton Beach, Florida. We will be driving late on Sat night into the the early morning. Pray that God would protect us. Pray that God would keep me alert and lucid as I drive;

* Pray for rest. Pray that we would not only rest physically but that we would rest in Christ during the week;

* Pray for intellectual stimulation. Too often vacation is a good time to "check out" spiritually. I'm taking along some books that I hope continue to shape my thoughts about the church, marriage, missions and preaching from the OT. Pray that I would not be lazy with my mind during the week;

* Pray for purity. The beach can be a wonderful place to relax, but it can be a place of torment visually for those who desire purity because they want to see God (Matt 5:8). Pray that we would be diligent to guard our eyes and hearts during the week;

* Pray for a special time of fellowship with my family. I love my three girls and want this week to be special and saturated with Daddy and husband time.

Thanks for praying.


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